Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Snow in the Forecast!

OK, no snow for us. At least, not yet. But, when I opened our kitchen curtains this morning, I could see that we had our first heavy fog in the month of August. The old-timers all say that for every fog in August, there will be a heavy snowfall in the winter to come. Well, I have to say that with all the heat and humidity we've had this summer, a heavy snowfall sounds good to me!

There are a few other old sayings about fog, as well. For instance, if a fog seems to disappear, by descending into the ground, you can expect several days of warm, sunny days. And if a fog comes up fast, it is a sure sign of rain.

I usually mark each day of August fog on my calendar and then go back and check it during the winter. I've found it's a pretty accurate way to forecast snow. They aren't always 'heavy' but it is usually accurate to how many snowfalls we have.

Keep counting those foggy mornings!


  1. Three years??? Just like that, you are back! LOL I was excited to see a post from you! Every time I see a pic of a cordwood cabin, I think of you. Interesting about the fog.

    1. Hi Penny! So glad to hear from you. Hope things are good with you. I saw you hadn't posted in 4 weeks, so I was hoping you were still going to blog. Most of the others I followed seem to have stopped.

  2. Hi Mary! I've heard that about fog, too. I'm trying to remember if we've had any this month. I think we have. Hmmm, I need to write it down, too. It is good to see a post from you. I don't post as often as I used to, just don't seem to have the time. I stay very busy in the summer.

    1. Hi Janet. I know what you mean about the time going by so fast. I can't believe that summer is almost over!

  3. Hello again; your email with the comment from my last post, came through as a noreply comment. So I'm thanking you here. LOL I'm happy to see you back on this blog.

