Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Busy Week

I'm working at VBS this week teaching the teenage class. It is quite a challenge to keep their attention most of the time!

Our annual VBS always brings back pleasant memories of my childhood Vacation Bible Schools. I looked forward to it every summer. The days of flannel boards are a thing of the past and we are on to more 'exciting' programs, but secretly, I still miss the old days. I guess kids today just need a little bit more activity to keep their attention.

Even the snacks have changed. At my childhood VBS it was always the same--a cup of kool-aid and two cookies--usually oatmeal and lemon. Now, in keeping with our current cowboy theme, we have 'fried rattlesnake', cactus punch, etc.

Did you attend VBS as a child? How do you compare it to the VBS programs you see today? I'm not complaining, I just can't help but compare the differences between then and now. And, I wonder if the kids really enjoy it more than we did back when it was a little bit 'plainer'.

Have a great day!



  1. I am with you, mine were much more like yours. I learned so much and look forward each year to going and then finally teaching. connie from texas

  2. When I was a kid VBS was the ONLY thing we did in the summer. Vacations were rare and camp was a once in a lifetime deal for me (not much money at our house). So we looked forward to it for weeks. And the absolute best part was the Kool Aid and cookies. :) Except the songs - my sister and I learned hymns then that we still treasure today. Blessings,

  3. I did indeed attend VBS, when I was a child and taught, as an adult, for a few years. I was the "craft" teacher.

    Personally, I love the days of the felt boards and kool-aid/cookie refreshments.

    Have a wonderful weekend.

  4. You are looking at a seasoned DVBSer here!!!! My Mom sent us kids to every church in town throughout the summer for every VBS program there was. So it was lots and lots of kool aid and lots of cookies and lots of flannelgraph. Once in a while, my sister and I start singing the theme songs, the marches, and the hymns we learned during those days.

    Ah, for the simplicity of those days! Do we sound old or what????


  5. I think it awesome that you can get teenagers to VBS. I don't think there are any churches around here that offer it for anyone over the 6th grade.

    I remember kool-aide in a dixie cup and oatmeal cookies too. Maybe a cupcake on Friday!

  6. I remember vacation bible school too, RoseMary! It sure seems a lot more fancy now...
    Boy, things sure have changed!!

