Monday, June 22, 2009


My herb garden that I've been working on is slowly coming along. It probably won't look good until next year, but I'm enjoying the planning. I'm also keeping a list of the herbs that I still want to plant, as well as other flowers. Right now, I have some black-eyed Susan and Rose Campion added to the garden.

Above is my pineapple sage. I've never grown it before and I'm not sure what I'll be using it for, but it certainly smells great. It is supposed to have red blooms in the fall. Sadly, it is only an annual.

I'm still trying to get some basil to come up in a few pots. If it's not up by early next week~I guess I'll start over.

This little angel is in a cage to shield her from all the hail we seem to be getting this year. Those storms may be over for this season, but it's been a little bit freaky this year, so I'm not letting her take any chances!
Hope your gardening is going well!


  1. That sounds like a wonderful little herb garden, Rose Mary! I've been wanting to plant one too, maybe when my tomatoes are finished I can make room in my raised beds for some herbs.
    We've been having lots of rain and storms, too... it's a good idea to keep that sweet little angel's head covered!

  2. Its looking good from here. How are the chickens doing? I bet there big now. Hope that your not getting to much of the heat wave back there. Sue said its hot. Hang in there. Take Care.

  3. Oh, Miss RoseMary!
    I'm so glad to see that your garden is doing so well. Ours isn't faring to great... hope to re-plant the butter beans, collards, and purple hull peas this week-end. I'd also like to get the pumpkins started this week-end and in the next couple of weeks, more tomatoes....

    I'm sure wishing for some of that rain we got this spring!


  4. Looking good Rosemary! I got my herb garden in but like yours will look much fuller by next year but I enjoyed planning and planting! It's been so hot here, at least the herbs love the heat! I planted some pineapple sage too, it's one of my favorites, the hummers love the red flowers and I have had it reseed. I use it in pineapple jam, which I'll be posting about when I'm ready to make a batch, it's so good! Stay cool!

