Saturday, June 27, 2009

Sleepy Saturday Afternoon

It is 103 degrees out there~a good time to stay indoors and take a nap or watch a movie. Or blog!

Last year I started a small flower garden just outside our living room windows. My idea was to have lots of bright, pretty flowers to look at. Turns out, it is a little bit too shady a spot for petunias and daises, etc. So, I turned it into a shade garden, using rose campion, impatiens, lemon balm, mint, lavendar. The lavendar was part of the original 'sunny' flower garden, I wasn't so sure that it would work in the shade, but this is its second year and it's doing great. I hope to add more shade loving plants next year.

I've had the old sink for over 20 years. I had hoped to have it in my house, but hubby thought it was too impractical, so now it is a yard ornament. I'd love to make it a little birdbath/fountain, but our big Lab/Airedale mix would just jump up there to take a drink and topple the whole thing. Instead, I planted lemon balm in it. I love the smell of lemon balm! It is finally starting to spread out in the sink and I'm going to divide it later and 'spread it around' to some other pots.

I hope you're all having a 'cool' Saturday!!


  1. It is awful hot here Mary, even here by the lake. I look out my bedroom windows and the shady yard with the breeze blowing and think it must be cool but I open the door and it's like an oven! I love lemon balm too and have a beautiful one in my little garden plot. It's the only thing out there that really grew. blessings, marlene

  2. Ooooh- it was miserable here Saturday too, Rose Mary.... Hubby and I tried to get some cleanup done around the barn, just picking up wood scraps and moving gates, and we were about to pass out!
    Thankfully the humidity is lower now- the sky is sunny and blue and very pleasant today! Hope yours is too!

  3. Now that's imagination! I've heard of planting in old bathtubs, but not in sinks. Very nice. Hostas do very good in the shade, also.

