I think everyone must know at least one 'cure' for hiccups. In my research, I've come across many that I've never heard of and most are quite interesting.
One way is to run around the house seven times without taking a breath. I assume that depends on the size of one's house.
You can also stand on one leg and say "Hick-up, stick-up, lick-up, hick-up," three times without stopping to take a breath.
Or, you can touch back of the neck of the 'hiccup-er' with a rabbits foot~when he/she is least expecting it.
How about naming three kernels of corn for three friends, then putting the corn in a container of water and suspending it over your head? I wonder how long you have to leave it up there?
This was one of my favorites: Stick you fingers in your ears and have a person of the opposite sex pour nine cups of rainwater down your throat!
I personally try to hold my breath and count to 60. That usually works for me. As does trying to drink an entire glass of water without stopping.
Being scared unexpectedly has cured them, too, though it usually involved someone shouting all of a sudden or slamming a door unexpectedly. I've never had the rabbit foot rubbed on my neck!
How do you cure your hiccups?
Be sure and check out Tipper's post at Blind Pig & the Acorn on cures for toothaches.