There are a lot of superstitions about cats, but it wasn't until I moved to this little mountain community that I realized many people still believe them.
We are 'cat' people, and many of our neighbors think that we are a little bit odd because of it. Of course, they may think that for other reasons, too, LOL!
Most are especially leary of our two black cats, as a lot of them seem to associate them with witches. A neighbor recently commented to me "You sure do have a lot of black animals", like it was something very strange. (We have two black cats, one black dog, and several black chickens).
A few years ago, when the man came to assess our house for fire insurance, he stopped in the middle of the kitchen and stared at our cat, Brina.Finally he said, "You have a black cat?" (Like she had just appeared there on her own!). I finally had to pick her up and put her outside, as he seemed too afraid to look at the rest of the house! It was a very odd experience.
It is good luck for a stray black cat to visit your home, but bad luck if it decides to take of residence there.
It is bad luck to cross a black cat's trail. So if one crosses the road in front of you, you must turn around and find another way to get where you were going. (A neighbor told my mother that he would never, ever run over a black cat, even if he had to run off the road!).
It is very bad luck to kill a cat. (I'm thankful for this one!).
And surprisingly, it is very bad luck to be photographed with a cat!
Do you know any superstitions about cats? And do you know any people that are still superstitious about them?