Thursday, January 31, 2008

Good Morning

It is cold and cloudy here this morning, with some snow and icy slush on its way a little bit later. I've already got my crock pot simmering some good vegetable beef soup and I plan to make a loaf or two of bread later on today. A good fire, soup, bread, and family are the best part of winter evenings!

Are any of you watching the Jane Austen series that PBS is running? We have watched all of them so far, and plan to see the rest. I liked the first one, Persuasion, but I already have another version of it on DVD and like it better. I did enjoy Northanager Abbey--much more so than the book, in fact! The Pride and Prejudice that they are going to run is my favorite version of that movie.

Here is a link for any of you unfamiliar with the current series that PBS is running:

Have a gread day--and stay warm!!



  1. I do have the Jane Austin books on my library list as I've not ever read any of them and my daughter has just insisted...LOL!

  2. Hi RM,
    So nice to see your post over at my site. How have you been? Your dinner sounds good, and I think I might have a little old viniger booklet myself, have to go have a look.
    Weather here has been in a rather nasty pattern this week, looks like tomorrow is not going to be to good for going anyplace, sleet snow, ice and wind, see, not good.
    Hope all is well in your world.
    Nancy Jo

  3. Hey there,
    I just opened my package when I got home that you guys sent. The White Rabbit looks even cuter in person. Thank you for sending Dinah. I have both sitting up on my computer hutch. Thank you for all your words of kindness about my art work, can't wait to see what you guys are working on next-Summer

  4. The soup sounds good, Rose Mary. I made bean soup yesterday and cornbread. We had a pretty good snow, beginning yesterday morning. Definitely soup weather, here!


  5. Isn't this series wonderful?
    I just love Jane Austin!

    Your soup sounded so good. I think that soup is the best over all meal there is! I will try yours!

    Have a sweet weekend dear Rosemary!


