Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Egg Coddler/Cup

Yesterday I mentioned that I collect egg coddlers. Today I thought that I would share a picture of a few that I have. Many people I mention them to do not know what an egg coddler/cup is. I did not know either, until I found one in my grandmother's possessions after she had passed on. The coddler/cup with the birds on it (above) was hers. They come in at least three sizes that hold various amounts of eggs. The smallest holds only one and the largest holds up to five. The most common are the sizes that hold one egg or two.

"An egg coddler is a porcelain cup with a lid. These have been manufactured by Royal Worcester in Worcester, UK since at least the 1890s, and were probably invented there. Many companies [1] now make egg coddlers, and some are highly sought after collectors' items.

An egg cup, sometimes called egg server, is a container used for serving boiled eggs within their shell. Egg cups have an upwardly concave portion to hold the egg and often include a base to raise the egg retaining portion and give stability, informally known as "footies". Other types include: no pedestal, just a cup known as "buckets" and egg-sized on one side and bigger on the other end known as "doubles".
They can be made of china, pottery, wood, plastic, glass and various metals. " ~Wikipedia~


"This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it." Psalm 118:24


  1. Thanks Rosemary for such an interesting post on the "Egg Coddlers".

    Yours are so wonderfully artistic in detail and a treasured memory for you.

    Blessings also for placing the banner of little Madeleine on your site. Her parents have today visited the Shrine of Fatima in Portugal. May their prayers along with so many of us around the world be answered.

  2. Well this egg coddler thing is all new to me, I will have to be on the lookout for them. They are really pretty .
    Great weather here today, 80 out and sunny, just heading out to water my many plants.
    Went to the thrift this morning, oh, surprise surprise! Got a few cute things.
    Have a nice day, hope your weather is as nice as mine.

  3. I dont know what they are either, but they look nice, will have to keep my eye out for ya, Have a great day...

  4. Very nice collection. I like that you started your collection from items you received from your grandmother. Seems to me those are the best collections to have!

  5. I never knew that an "Egg Coddler" was until I read your blog. How interesting and beautiful.

    Have a great rest of the day.

    Take care,

  6. See?? I knew if I asked you would tell me ;)

  7. What a treasure! I don't have any of these but I have seen them before. Very nice!

  8. RoseMary, very interesting about the egg coddlers......I don't eat eggs but it's interesting to read about them......

  9. Very pretty egg coddlers!

    I enjoyed reading your list, too!

    Back Porch Musings

  10. That was really interesting. I have seen those before but have never owned one. Have a good day. connie from Texas

