Sunday, May 20, 2007

In Word Or Deed

"Kindness has been called the small coin of love. The word is generally used to designate the little deeds of thoughtfulness and gentleness which make no noise and attract no notice, rather than large and conspicuous acts which all men applaud. One may live many years and never have the opportunity of doing anything great, anything which calls attention to itself, yet one may, through all one's years, be kind, filling everyday with gentle thoughtfulness, helpful ministries, little services of interest, obligingness, sympathy, and small amenities and courtesies.

Kindness is beautiful. It is beautiful in its simplicity. It usually springs out of the heart spontaneously. The larger things men do are generally purposed, planned for, and are done consciously, with intention and preparation. Kindness as a rule is done unconsciously, without preparation. This enhances its beauty. There is no self-seeking in it, no doing something for effect, no desire for recognition or praise, no thought of reward of any kind. It is done in simplicity, prompted by love, and is most pleasing to Christ." From: The Beauty of Kindness by J. R. Miller

The above is a small part taken from a book that was given as a gift to my great-grandmother in 1905.

Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you. Ephesians 4:32

Have a blessed Sunday!


"This is the day the Lords has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it." Psalm 118:24


  1. I wonder if my great-grandmother happened to read that...she was the kindess person I've ever known...
    Have a great Sunday!

  2. I love Ephesians...well...I love the entire Bible!! Great reading!

    Thank you for another beautitul message!


  3. RM,
    Kindness is a VERY good thing, the world could use a whole lot of it, and so every little bit helps.

  4. Such a treasure to have that book, RoseMary!

  5. I have never come across this before - thank you - it is so beautiful.

  6. What a treasure that book must be! And I must say, the kindist people around are bloggers! I've been showed with gifts of kindness and friendship since blogging and it's a wonderful thing!

  7. I used to have a button that said, "Kindness Counts." I always try to be kind to people. That passage is just beautiful.

