Monday, February 23, 2009

Blogger Award

Deb over at Deb's Genealogy Room has nominated me for the Kreativ Blogger award! Thank, Aunt DJ!!! Deb is my aunt-by-marriage, and we all adore her. She is our inspiration for so much of what we've learned to do on the computer. Without her, my husband and I would probably still be staring at our desktop!

If you are interested in doing any sort of family research, I highly recommend Deb's genealogy blog--I've already gotten several great tips from her posts. She also has another blog I enjoy, Debs Room, where she shares a lot of her thoughts.

I am supposed to nominate 7 people for this award (only 7????) Hey, all of you are so creative (make that Kreativ!) bloggers that this is hard for me!

RULES: The rules are fairly simple.....1. Copy the award to your site.2. Link to the person from whom you received the award.3. Nominate 7 other bloggers.4. Link to those sites on your blog.5. Leave a message on the blogs you nominate

Here goes:

I know that's only four and the rules say seven, but so many of you already have this award--so to any of you that don't--please accept it from me!
Have a great day!


  1. Congrats on the award! How are things up on the mountain? It's cloudy here and really cool and I've spent the morning cleaning house. All done now though and time to sew! blessings, marlene

  2. Thanks Rosemary, I too have already gotten this award so if anyone wants to claim mine,feel free. Hope your enjoying our little warmup, hopefully it will last! I will check out your Aunts blogs too.

  3. Rosemary, thank you for the award! imagine how surprised I was when I came to visit you! I'll be honest in telling you, I really don't know alot about these things, but I posted on my blog. Also, I got an e-mail earlier telling me my comment box wasn't working:(
    Thanks again for thinking of me dear! P.S....Where's that cute pup hiding???

  4. Congratulations to Carmen. Since bloggers can choose not to take awards it is wonderful that she is awarded. Sorry but kind of confused
    Her blog is very creative! Warm Wishes! Candlemamma

  5. Hi Carmen! I think it is sweet of you to give the award to all your friends that don't have it! I do think that your blog is very creative and I love coming over here and reading.

    I am going to have some more pictures of Jackie on my blog soon. She's a little hard to photograph most of the time. I have a lot of pictures of her that just look like a 'streak'! She loves running and jumping and playing. We are working on getting her to 'come' right now. She really doesn't want to do it, so it is taking some time.

    I hope everything is going great with your family.

    P.S. I did try to comment on your blog and the word verification wouldn't load, so I couldn't leave a comment. (Above is the comment I wanted to post on your blog:)

    Sue~didn't realize you had the award, but should have--your blog is always full of creative ideas!

    Hi Marlene~I'm so ready for spring!! Maybe we'll have that promised warm-up by the end of the week!

  6. Rosemary, Just wanted to share a tip, for Jackie, start out in the same room with her, say Jackie, come and have a small treat ready for her when she does, praise, praise, praise her when she comes to you. Once she is doing this, move to calling her from a different room, treat and praise when she comes. For the final step, move outside and do the same there. Try not to get discouraged or raise your voice with her, if she is sensitive like my girl, only all positive feedback will work. Hope this helps some!

  7. Thank you for the tips, Carmen! She does love her treats and she 'came' a little more today.

    Candlemamma~thanks so much for visiting my blog!

