Saturday, March 3, 2007

First Sunday In March

This is the day the LORD has made;

let us rejoice and be glad in it.

Psalm 118:24

This is one of my favorite verses and one I try to keep in mind on those days when everything doesn't seem to be going just right. Every day is a gift from God and I hope that all of you enjoy this one.


Preach the gospel at all times. If necessary, use words.

St. Francis


  1. Beautiful words...beautiful flowers...right now the snow is gently falling outside here. NO daffodils quite yet!

    Have a lovely Sunday!


  2. I just found a comment of yours in my Blog and I came here, to reply. You said; "What great prints you always find..."

    Thank you, but it's not hard to do. I go to and click on 'Images' and type in, whatever I'm looking for. Like with my 'away to a beach' entry, I typed in something like 'Tropical Flowers' first. And then just kind of ~ went from there. One site/page I find, leads to another and another and another. And along the way, I usually find lovely pictures.

    And one can do the same, for art work dealing with a topic. Go to Select an art form {I often love Fine Art and Vintage Art}, and do a search on a topic, in that art form. Bingo! Lots of pretty art to choose from!


  3. Beautiful verse and picture.

  4. Just beautiful...the picture and verse!!
    I love your Sunday posts!!

  5. I have always loved and cherished that verse also! Blessed Sunday! Claudia O.

  6. Yes, let us rejoice~in everything! I'm so thankful for each new day He gives us. Thank you for the lovely picture of spring. Jesus is like the spring-in Him we have the hope and promise of a new birth and new life.


  7. I SO agree, each day is a gift from God, to be cherished! And you have daffodils blooming already, you must be a tad warmer than me! lol

