Monday, April 9, 2007

Mountain Cemetery

This lone and nameless grave has a few wild flowers decorating it.
We wonder whether this damage was done by time or vandals.

Good afternoon! I hope all of you had a wonderful Easter and were able to spend some of your time with friends and family.

The weather here was cool, in fact, cooler than any Easter I remember, but it was still a beautiful day. After morning church services, we enjoyed a pot-luck dinner with the congregation. Too much good food was served! No Easter egg hunt, as all the church's children are now too old for such. There are new people moving into the are all the time, so maybe soon there will be some more little ones at our church.

After we came home from church, we changed clothes and drove down the road to a local cemetery. The county recently put a drive up to the old gate so that you could get inside. The poor cemetery has been neglected for years, as you can see in the photos above. Now that there is a way to get inside, there are several people (including us) who are wanting to get it cleaned up and back in some sort of order. There are several Civil War veterans buried in there, both Union and Confederate. Two of them are my great-great grandfathers. One fought for the Union, one for the Confederacy. There are also numerous graves with only rocks for their headstones. Unfortunately, no record was kept of those buried in there, so many graves will remain nameless.

After a tangled walk through the little cemetery, we went for a short drive around the area, enjoying the blooming dogwoods and the green of spring that is finally sprouting up everywhere.

I hope all of you enjoyed your weekend and that your week is off to a good start.


"This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it." Psalm 118:24


  1. The cemetery made me think that those graves just hold the house that those people used when they were alive on earth. My prayer is that they are in a much better place with the Lord now. connie form Texas

  2. Such a moving portrayal of this cemetery - that appears to have been so deprived for such a long time.

    Your photo's create a sense of calm in what is a sad neglect of this historic cemetery.

    In particular the top photo - I describe as "I stand alone" - and
    as if protected by nature - plant
    life gives colour.

    Thank you for sharing such an amazing story and photo's.

    Blessings to you all.


  3. What a sad shape it is in, but so glad to hear you and others are going to restore it, only fitting and well deserved. Great photos, I love hearing about old places like this, full of history. Good for you, the cemetery will be in good hands.

  4. RM,
    That sounds like a perfect day. Richard and I love to go to old cemeteries, the kids think we are crazy, but for the most part they are so peaceful.
    Off to buy some groceries, All the kids for Easter pretty well cleaned me out, plus the little ones are all here a lot this week for Easter break and they all can eat. School starts again next MONDAY. Wow, I better buy lots of groceries.
    Posting a picture on my site later of a 1930s yo yo quilt that I got at a garage sale for five dollars two years ago.
    Still cold here, only a few days here and there so far that have been really spring like. I guess God hasn't flipped the switch yet.

  5. How lovely that you have blooming dogwoods and the green of spring, sprouting up, where you live. It just hasn't progressed that far here, as yet. Tooooo cold.

    I'm so glad that people can now access this old cemetery. And be able to clean it up and etc.

    And glad that you're taking some 'before' pictures. So often we forget the 'before' pics, until we're well into some restoration project.


  6. We have a cemetary much like that in Maine near our cottage. I always wonder who the people are and what they were like and say a prayer for them.

  7. I love to go to old cemetaries. Haven't done so in quite a while. I think it is wonderful that you and others are taking upon yourselves to clean and restore this one.

  8. What a nice posting. To think you are related.

    You are so thoughtful and will be blessed with the work you are doing.

    I hope that at some point you may be able to find the names for some of the graves.

    Take care,

