Friday, February 9, 2007


I've had this picture for years and it has always amused me. I would love to know exactly who they are. Did they have a little tiff before the photograph was taken? Did he even want to be in the photograph? She doesn't look much happier about the incident than he does. Anyone have any ideas?

I must say that I've enjoyed all of the Valentines that everyone has been posting these last couple of weeks. I think I'm going to miss February!

I just found out this afternoon that I won the Lucy DVD from Sue over at Country Pleasures! Thanks so much, Sue! I'm looking forward to receiving it.


  1. In 'Kentucky Gal's' blog, you commented that you're going to miss all the cute valentines everyone is posting. Well now! We will just have to do something about that, won't we? :-) Who says valentines can only be pictured in February? :-)

    Long live the posting of pretty valentine pictures!!

    Mmmmmmm, can you tell I'm getting a bit "silly" and it's high time for me to "hang up my keyboard," for the night?!? ,-) Yes it is! :-)


  2. Ohh and I forgot to say... _Love_ that photograph!


  3. I also think that photograph is neat. Wow-I haven't even thought about it-but I hve been one bad girl. I have yet to post something about Valentine's Day. Bad me.

    Take care,

  4. This picture is a hoot! Love it...

    The one of your husband's great grandparents was wonderful. A real tresure.

    I too enjoy all these Valentine's pretty and dear and sweet.

    Love the phot of your dinig room as well...such a pretty room. For your kitty too! : )

    Love and hugs,

  5. Thank you for dropping by my blog, as well. We non-beach kind of gals have to stick together! ,-) Seems there are so few of us. ,-)

    Thank you for liking my 'pretty pictures.' That's kind of what my Blog here, is about. Soft, pretty, etc.... as a refuge. Life's woes are always with us. But it's such a relief, to have a refuge. :-) Imho, anyway.


  6. What an awesome, and funny, heritage photo. Congrats on your win of the DVD. I found out this AM I won a satin heart from Gardengirl. Winning is fun isn't it?

  7. If you look close it looks as if there is someone behind the man...perhaps a child that was supposed to be in the picture and things went awry and the picture was snapped too soon...definatlly cold or they wanted to show off their new coats!!

  8. I think you may be right, Kentucky Gal! Something down close to his left foot. I'm thinking up higher you can see his hand behind him. Not sure. Notice they were inside when this picture was taken. The old houses in these mountains were cold in the winter. We just think we're cold!

  9. It is an interesting picture-love the coats! Congrats on your win!!! It's been fun all these Valentine contest hasn't it? :D

  10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  11. that is a funny picture, I have a few of those, makes you really wonder, eh?
    Congrats on the Dvd's! Enjoy them!

  12. Thank you so much for your sweet comment in my blog. See how you inspired me? :-)

    Inspired me to try my hand at old photos, even without a scanner. More coming eventually.


  13. I am so happy that you won Sues video. I love looking at old pictures, not knowing them makes it all more worth wild

  14. Thank you for stopping by my Blog. And thank you for saying that my pictures of pictures are adorable. :-))))

    Hope you come over again, for a visit. As I will be back here to visit.


  15. I wish I had more old photos like this, love it! Back then, they didn't smile much or stand too close together, my how times have changed things. Thanks for deleting my addy!

  16. I love old photographs too. It's always fun to imagine who they might be and what's happening at that moment in their lives. And they never look happy.

