Friday, February 16, 2007

One Lonely Guy

Good morning! Didn't I say yesterday that I thought the snow was the last of our winter weather? Then what's all that white stuff outside? So, today I'm thinking that this is the last of our winter weather. The white kind, anyway.

The pretty boy in the picture above is Shorty. I might add that he is named after a character in a book and not for his size. Shorty is the last of our poultry. He was given to us last spring, along with six of his siblings--all sisters we were told. Two of the girls ran away and four were killed by a black snake--I hope I can find that snake this year. (I will not go into any details as to how we know it was a snake that killed them--too yucky). We did have four other roosters at the time. I know what you're thinking-- what's wrong with these people. Four roosters? In our defense, we have coyotes and hunting dogs that regularly kill out our poultry population, so we are happy to have whatever there is out there to eat the ticks. Here on Tick Haven Farm--actually, that's not what we call the farm, but the ticks probably do, the chickens are our only defense against the little blood-sucking devils.
As for the other four roosters, Casanova, Don Juan, George and Romeo, a group of very elderly roosters--they were killed ruthlessly by a hunting dog that knew easy pickings when he saw them. And now, poor little Shorty is all alone.

These pictures were taken at the lonely fellow's favorite hangout--under the bird feeders. If he can just hang on for another couple of months he will have the type of company that he longs for--a whole flock,we hope, of pretty girls to keep him company . Until then, the companionship of two barn cats will have to do.
Everybody have a great day.


  1. What a traumatic life he has lived!! I wonder if he is afraid he is next! :) He is very handsome, though, and should do very well with the new hens on the block! Hang in there, Shorty!

  2. well he is a pretty boy!!
    he almost doesn't look real he's so purdy!!

  3. What a great looking rooster you have. I only have 1 and thats enough for me. I love the colors these birds have. Wit my 9 hens I am sure my rooster has no worries. They do make good watch dogs. Have a good weekend.

  4. Shorty is a gorgeous boy! He looks as if he is used to posing for the cameras!

  5. He is a handsome boy. My husband Rick lived on a farm. He had told me a couple of rooster stories. The one rooster attacked him-but then they played chase the rooster.

    Hope you have a great weekend.
    Take care,

  6. I LOVE Shorty! He would be a great addition to my house! The family joke is that I need a real rooster since I am always collecting roosters! But I think he looks quite happy with you.
    Roosters are just goregous creatures. My grandpa had a farm and I spent every Summer there. LOVED the roosters even when they chased me and pecked at me. : ) I probably deserved it!

  7. Shorty is beautiful but I feel so sorry that he's lonely. At least he is alive though . . . I grew up in Florida so know how hard it is on poultry when there are black snakes about. And we had our share of ticks and chiggers too.

  8. Shorty is beautiful! We had one lone roo for quite a while, too, until he finally got picked off one night. Hopefully Shorty has a few more years with you!

  9. What a handsome guy he is!! I hope he can hang on till the girls arrive! I'm with you, the more birds the better, less ticks and chiggers!!

